Pooped…. Literally

10 step

Who knew being a house-wife/semi-retired business woman/stay-at-home mom, would be so tiring? Your life is no longer your’s and now everyone else’s. The time to yourself becomes short and so precious. Don’t get me wrong – I love being a wife and mom, but sometimes I just need a break…. even if it’s filled with poop…. baby poop. Eew! Gross! How dare I post poop?!?!?! I know I know….

My daughter is the ultimate blow-out Queen! How is that even lady like? It may be time for a different brand of diapers! I’ve tried a handful of name brand stain removers, and none of them seem to get the sh*t stains out completely. I gave a go at a little concoction I use to clean stains from my tub, and whadda-you-know? It works. Baking Soda, Dawn soap and Hydrogen Peroxide (I’m not getting paid for this, so I’m not pimping out Dawn because I have to but because it WORKS!!!!).

1 part Dawn dish soap (I’ve only tried the blue kind), to 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide. Mix it up, and put in a spray bottle. Spray the stained area, sprinkle some baking soda on it, spray some more, then scrub. Let it sit for a bit then wash as you would normally.


Voila! Works on stains that have already been washed and dried as well. Not just poop stains, but other stains too!

Give it a try and let me know how it works. Also let me know if you have any tips and/or tricks for preventing or dealing with blow-outs.

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